Where Is The Sacrificial Anode Boat Images What Sort Of Sacrificial Anodes Do I Need For My Boat Hull?


What sort of sacrificial anodes do I need for my boat hull? - where is the sacrificial anode boat images

I have a 45-foot boat PRAM and I had the silver helmet again. This is a houseboat in the static part of the sea and fresh water. What type of anodes to be? The size, material, in the case of bolting or welding? Help! Thank you:)


wvparano... said...

You must Alluminum alloy anodes used for some other reason. Zinc anode, a layer of zinc hydroxide with fresh water, which make them pretty useless. In addition, magnesium anodes work well in freshwater, salt water, but cautious and disintegrate very quickly. Al Helm overprotective also give an electric charge to lift the color.

They want the anode, which can be easily modified pin. Media that make welding helmet required. In any case, you should have a good electrical contact between the anode and is protected. This usually means the establishment of the anode bright and shiny bare metal, naked, but can also be made by the electrical cables from the anode and is protected. And the painting is the anode.

What should be the size of the anodes in use starting with 1% of the protected area. Check anodes often decays rapidly if should add more or change more often. It should be at least 1 years and must be replaced if50% gone. Consult a reputable shipyard or vessels and may be able to test the helmet with a voltmeter to give a definitive answer.

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